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Privacy Policy

18 May 2021

If you have any issues, concerns or require further clarification on any matters relating to this Privacy Policy, please do not hesitate to contact us at


CodeEast respects your privacy

This Privacy Policy describes the personal information we collect from you, why we need it and how we use this data.  This policy does not apply to other internet sites even if they are accessed through our websites. This policy only deals with our use of personal data. Our websites provide links to other websites not run by CodeEast. These websites are beyond our control, and this policy does not apply to them, so please read and accept the privacy statements on any of these sites you visit. 

We may need to change this policy notice from time to time, so please review this Privacy Policy document regularly.


What are cookies?

Cookies are tiny software files that websites use to store information on your electronic device about you and your interaction with the website.  This data will include personal data from which you can be identified.


You're Consent

By using our websites or by clicking the Accept Button displayed in the Cookie Banner, you agree to the terms and conditions of this policy and the other policy documents available on this website.  In particular, you agree to our use of cookies in accordance with our Cookies Policy and our use of your personal data.


What information do we collect?

The information we collect can be categorised into two groups:


1.     The personal information that you provide to us voluntarily.  

This personal information may include your name, email address, login details, password where applicable, contact address, telephone number, company name, position within the company, and other information. We use this information for a variety of purposes, including to communicate with you, manage your interaction with our websites, manage quotes,  sale and delivery of goods and services to you, provide you with online services, sign you up for events, process job applications, manage the distribution of marketing material, manage any subscription services you sign up to, implement our security procedures and complete transactions for you or on your behalf.

Where you sign up for an event, we will collect from you the details we require to deliver our contractual services relating to this event, including the data we need to collect payments, provide accommodation, create attendee lists and produce brochures and other marketing material.  The attendee list will be made available to other attendees and event sponsors. 


2.     The information that we gather about your visit from our server logs and through the use             of site metrics tools.

The type of information we collect during your visit includes your geographical location, your IP address and service provider, your browser type, your computer's operating system, the referral source, the length of your visit, the pages you visited and time spent on each page, any links you may activate,  the frequency of visits and the data that you enter in the website forms.


What do we use the information for?

The information we gather from you may be used in the following ways: 

  • To personalise your experience and interaction with CodeEast.

  • To improve your browsing experience and the experience of others on the site.

  • To send to you details when new information is available on the site or for other marketing-related purposes.

  • To enable you to use the features and facilities provided by our websites.

  • Provide aggregated statistics for our use or the use of third parties on the usage of the site-by-site visitors - with the understanding that this information will not reveal the personal details of any individual.

  • To process transactions initiated by you.

  • To administer a survey.

  • To administer the website.

  • Send you email notifications that you have specifically requested or related to your interactions with our websites.

  • To deal with enquires and complaints made by you relating to our websites.

  • To manage your access to any services we provide to you via our websites,


Your rights in respect to your Personal Data:

You have certain rights under data protection legislation in respect to the personal data we hold on you. These rights include:

  • Right to be informed: you have the right to be informed about what personal data we collect and store about you and how it is used.

  • Right of access: you have the right to request a copy of the personal data we hold about you.

  • Right of rectification: you have the right to require that we correct any personal data we hold about you, which is inaccurate or incomplete.

  • Right to be forgotten: in certain circumstances, you have the right to request that the personal data we hold about you is erased from our records.

  • Right to restrict processing: you have the right to request us to restrict processing relating to personal data we hold about you. 

  • Right of portability: in certain circumstances, you have the right to request that the personal data we hold about you is made available to you for transfer to another organisation, to the extent that this data will be provided to you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.

  • Right of objection: you have the right to object to our processing of your personal data, including where that data is used for direct marketing purposes.


How do we protect your information?

We implement the normal security arrangements associated with this type of site.


International Data Transfers

Personal details and other information that we collect may be stored and processed in and transferred between any of the countries in which we operate to enable us to use the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


The information you provide may be transferred to countries that do not have data protection laws equivalent to those in force in the United States, EU, and the UK. By using our websites, you expressly agree to such transfers and storage of personal information.


Do we disclose any information to third parties?

We do not sell, trade or transfer to outside parties your personal data other than when required to do so by law and in support of proceedings relating to legal issues and in situations where, in our opinion, failure to disclose details may result in the legal proceeding being instigated against us. We will use the information relating to your visits to this site to compile site usage metrics data, and this data in a non-personally identifiable format may be given to a third party.

Where we sell you goods or perform transactions on your behalf, we will provide your details to third parties where such disclosure is necessary to facilitate the transaction.


You're right to see the information we hold on you?

Based upon a request from you and the provision of appropriate evidence of your identity, you may instruct us to disclose to you all the details relating to you that we have secured through your use of this website.  As per GDPR, there may be a small fee for providing this data.


Complaint or Queries:

If you wish to exercise any of your rights relating to your personal data, or if you want to contact us about any other matter, please send us an email to or send a letter to 'Data Protection Officer, CodeEast, 7 Sandyford Business Centre, Sandyford, Dublin 18, D18X3V1, Ireland.


This Privacy Policy was drafted to be brief and precise. Following reading this document, if details relating to our Privacy Policy are not clear, complete or understandable to you, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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